Friday, 27 September 2013

Appreciating your partner

Thinking about why someone is special to you

Me and my man Brad

Often we overlook one of the most important people in our lives. If you are as lucky enough to have someone that cares for you and loves it, is easy to overlook how lucky you are unless you take time to reflect on why they are special to you.

Me and my partner have recently gone through a very rough time, with lots of changes in both of our lives. I admit that i was not the nicest of girlfriends and it is something i am not proud of.

Despite all of this (and a lot of love and affection from him) we have managed to get through and i feel that we are now very happy.

So why is it so important to look after the special person in our lives?
This is something that is different for every person and looking at what you appreciate about your partner can help with your happiness. These are some reasons that are important to me.


Almost anyone would say that they enjoy someone being affectionate towards and them and being affectionate back. It is human nature to want people to love and care for you, and a partner can take this to the next level in the way that they treat you. I love my man because he makes me feel special and i can forget what ever issues are going on in my life when he hugs me. I am sure that he likes the same back and i would like to try and be more affectionate towards him.

Someone you can talk to

Not just talking, but being able to tell them anyone. Having a connection with someone that you can to anything to is very special. I can tell him anything, but i often feel that he is not comfortable to say the same to me. I would like to listen to him more and get cranky with so that he safe to tell me anything.

Someone to help you up

I have gone through a very difficult time in my life and he has stood by me no matter what. I wish i has his patience and caring as i feel that he deserves better from me. I would like to think that i have done well to stand by him in his difficult times, but i don't. This is something that i would love to work on.

Well these are some things i care about with my man (there are many more). Taking time out to think about your partner and what they do for you can be a good way to appreciate how much they mean to you. Thinking about this has helped me greatly and i hope it will help other.

Best energy 

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