Saturday 21 September 2013

Too Much Driving!

Today I realised that I had done 25,000 km on my car in 8 months! That’s crazy, no one should drive that much. I love my car a lot, and love traveling to see people as my family lives in many different places, but I think it is time to cut down on the time I spend in the car. The amount of fuel that I have gone through to do 25,000 km is also crazy.
So this week my challenge is to go Monday –Friday without driving. I’m going to pump up my bikes tires, pull out my sneakers, and walk or ride where ever I need to go. Its going to be challenging as my boyfriend lives about 20km away, but there is a bike track so I will have to see how I go!

Will let you know how it goes by the end of the week! 

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